Hanezu Don't worry. Think, and do.

Manage Python environment with Pyenv + Anaconda + Pipenv

Pipenv is great. But it is not a perfect solution. Besides, sometimes it is convenient if we can use anaconda to manage some libraries that does not work well with pip.

Luckily, it is possible to take the best of two worlds.

  1. Step 1: install Pyenv
  2. Step 2: install anaconda
  3. Step 3: install anaconda packages
  4. Step 4: install pipenv
  5. Step 5: Setup virtual environment of the repository
  6. Step 6: install packages via Pipenv
  7. Final notes
    1. Library not found error
    2. Jupyter Lab

Step 1: install Pyenv

The easiest way to do it is via pyenv installer.

Step 2: install anaconda

We can now use pyenv to manage python and anaconda versions. For example,

pyenv install anaconda3-5.3.1
pyenv global anaconda3-5.3.1

Step 3: install anaconda packages

Now you can install packages that are managed by anaconda.

As an example, if you want to install Tkinter, you can run

conda install tk

Step 4: install pipenv

Now we can install pipenv using the pip of conda:

pip install pipenv

Step 5: Setup virtual environment of the repository

Before using pipenv to install packages, you need to set up pipenv to use the Python distribution of your anaconda environment. [ref]

$ cd your-repo
$ conda_python=$(python -c 'import sys; print(sys.executable);')
$ pipenv --python=$conda_python --site-packages

Step 6: install packages via Pipenv

Finally, if you have a Pipfile in your repo directory, you can install packages by pipenv install. You can also install new packages.

Final notes

Let me list some pitfalls that I falled into using this approach.

Library not found error

If you installed some libraries but the program still return you error messages like

usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `CXXABI_1.3.11' not found

you might need to manually add libraries installed by anaconda to your PATH:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/USERNAME/.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-5.2.0/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

You can check conda installation directory by conda info

Jupyter Lab

Currently, the default JupyterLab shipped with anaconda installation does not recognize packages installed by pipenv.

Therefore, you need to install JupyterLab via pipenv: pipenv install --dev jupyterlab jupytext

(I did not check for Jupyter Notebook)

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