It’s wierd that Amplify does not yet support out-of-the-box email + password sign up, but it’s possible to implement with some configuration.
The original solution can be found in this GitHub issue. The following code will be in Vue.js, but it is supposed to work similarly for other frameworks.
For the latest version of aws-amplify, you can set up email sign in when you first run amplify add auth
Select Email to set up email sign in when
amplify add auth
In your sign up page, put an Authenticator component somewhere in the template:
<amplify-authenticator :authConfig="authConfig"></amplify-authenticator>
You need to set up aws-amplify for your Vue project to use the Amplify-Authenticator
data () {
return {
authConfig: {
signUpConfig: {
signUpFields : [
label : 'Email',
key : 'username', // !!!Important
required : true,
displayOrder: 1,
type : 'string',
custom : false
label : 'Password',
key : 'password',
required : true,
displayOrder: 2,
type : 'password',
custom : false
// defaultCountryCode: '81',
hiddenDefaults: [